Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rock-it-Man: I'm going to be Hiiiiii...

The following clip William Shatner must wish had never happened, and when you see it for yourselves you'll understand why. It has sporadically been spoofed by various comedians and comedy shows, and even by the cartoon character Stewie from the Family Guy. Notice how unbelievably corny this whole thing gets when Shatner's image is doubled and he performs this song like a duo. The part of the song when he responds to his double by saying "In fact, it's cold as hell" is hilarious! And even dumber still is the segment when a third Shatner appears, prancing from out of nowhere, looking like he's had a little too much to drink.

When I look at some of the film footage of the 1970's and see how credulous and corny we were, I can't help but wonder where our collective head was.

Where was your head in the 1970's? And, please, don't say your shoulder.

Other than "dumb" and "corny", what other word best describes the above video? I keep trying to think of it but I can't nail it down.


ignorant redneck said...

The 1970s? I started smoking dope in the 70s. The video explains why.

Adrienne said...

I started self medicating in the 60's which caused the 70's..... Some things are left buried!

Adrienne said...

Lordy Tom - you need to quit watching stuff like that. It'll make your head explode.

kitchu said...

Tom. I'm worried. Sick with worry.

If you're watching this, something MUST be wrong. Have you checked your temperature?? Are you okay??


Shirley said...

Good grief! I think the word you're looking for is Schmaltzy! (whatever that means!)
In the 70's I was gone country.

Terry Nelson said...


Michele said...

well, not to bad captain kirk! always think of william shatner as captain kirk. hard not to:) he was a little goofy, but he's still a good actor. that was acting, and typical of the 70's:)

Tom in Vegas said...


Good word!


I agree. It's impossible not to think of him as Captain Kirk:0) As a matter of fact, he probably chose thing song because of his affiliation with a sci-fi character. And you are also correct about this type of acting being typical for the 1970's

owenswain said...

It's only a rumour that Bill is Canadian. At least that's what I pray for my own sense of national pride.