Saturday, August 23, 2008

My blogger-pal Tracy has awarded me with Blogging Friends Forever Gold Card . Tracy's blog, called A Catholic Mom in Minnesota, is one I frequently peruse, so I follow all the adventures of her life from the time her husband became a Catholic (under Tracy's Simple Life) to the more resent event in which Alex, her son, broke his elbow. Always writing on a level we can all understand and relate to, if I had one word to characterize Tracy's blog it would be with the word "simplicity." Thank you, Tracy!

By the way, Alex is doing much better:0)

In turn, I pass on this award to the following blogs:

1) Auntie A at Adrienne's Catholic Corner
2) Paramedicgirl at Salve Regina
3) Shirley at Seeking Jesus
4) Kimberly at Our God is an Awesome God
5) Jessica at The Flying Dutch Girl


Adrienne said...

Hooray - more awards..... I got this from Roses and Jessamine but you can never, ever have enough.

Will deal with all tomorrow. Tired - going to bed

A little bird told me someone is having a birthday on Monday. Hmmmmmmm, wonder who it is?

paramedicgirl said...

Thanks Tom! I'm honoured -and that's spelled the Canadian way - to be one of your blogging friends. What we need now is for someone to organize a Catholic Blogger's get together - now that would be fun!

Shirley said...

Thanks, Tom! And Peppy thanks you too! I always look forward to your comments, and I'm with PG; I'd love to have a get-together for Catholic bloggers. Hey, PG, you mentioned it first, so you get to start the ball rolling!

Tom in Vegas said...

Auntie A-

How you found out is beyond me. I'm trying to search my memory to see where I may have said something but I'm coming out blank. You really do know your stuff:0)

PG and Shirley-

I would LOVE a Catholic blogger get-together with all you kind folks. I've actually though about it a number of times!

Kimberly said...

My first award. Thank you so much. YOu made my day! Just got home from a family reunion in Indiana. GOd bless you TOm and thanks for your friendship!

Blessed be God forever!



Kimberly said...

Is it your birthday today??? Happy Birthday Tom!!!!!!!!!