Monday, August 20, 2007

Back to the Roots: Science and Theology

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Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton was one of these rare individuals who was completely enamored of God. He was raised, for the most part, in an irreligious household but nonetheless felt an inescapable captivation by the religious life of a Catholic Cistercian. He entered the Trappist order on December 13, 1941 and at the encouragement of his superiors, began writing extensively on Christianity - from a contemplative perspective - as well as on ecumenism and social activism. He is undoubtedly one of the most potent and prolific mystics of the twentieth century.

Again, I ask myself during the times when doubt overpowers any speckle of faith I might have remaining: Was Thomas Merton COMPLETELY WRONG about the existence of God? Are individuals such as Nietzsche and Dawkins completely and universally correct about the non-existence of God? To be completely and universally correct about this type of matter requires a Deity to empower a philosophy to an overwhelming degree. So even the atheist - quite ironically- would require the existence of a Universal Manifestation for their philosophy to be completely and absolutely true everywhere in this universe and in others.

"I cannot make the universe obey me. I cannot make other people conform to my own whims and fancies. I cannot make even my own body obey me." ~~Thomas Merton

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Critter Reverie

I catch The Critter while he sleeps in his lair, somewhere in the wastelands of Sin City. Oh so carefully I approach him while in slumber (top picture) when his super sensitive senses detect my presence. He snaps to attention! (bottom picture) Looks at me and studies the foreign apparition that has invaded his sanctuary. He tracks my every move without his deafening trademark growl or hint of aggression. He decides not to attack. Apparently, the Big Bird costume I wore while snapping this soon-to-be Pulitzer Prize winning pictures paid off. He passes me off as a giant, prepubescent canary who inadvertently strayed into his space while searching for Sesame seeds, or his way back home, or a specific Street, or whatever. What is important is that this adventurer was allowed to escape with his life and lives to write yet another chapter of the most ferocious creature to roam North America.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I tried several ways of getting this song posted and the only one that would work is the service I found in your blog. Well, let me make the formal dedication:

Kris- this one goes out to you. I mean every word in it:)

You know how to reach me.


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Friday, August 10, 2007

The Critter of All Critters

Do not be fooled, ye spectator, for he is lethal and cunning with cuteness. These are pictures of the infamous Critter that roams the west coast, seeking out innocent human beings to manipulate with his bewitching little face. He strikes with subtlety but with great lethality; and pretty soon, no matter how much you resist, you give into his demands for unauthorized snacking, gentle hugs and unending tummy rubs. The author of this blog risked his very life by meeting this deadly beast head-on in the wild and diabolical fields of Sin City, to snap the pictures displayed above.

Legend has it that in the summer of 2006, as the Critter roamed the mountainous regions of Scotland, shocked and horrified bystanders looked on as he ate the Loch Ness Monster with one chomp for snoring too loud. And some of the kids in the neighborhood of his domicile have complained to their adult superiors that the critter looks out his window and extends his middle finger when they walk by.

If ye sees this infernal qua-draped in thou presence, DO NOT RUN! He will chase after you and lick you till you have no choice but to pet him and give him his long desired belly rubs.

More pics to follow of the furry (?) little beast.



The following is an actual recording of his savage rumble, which can be heard anytime a doorbell goes off or food is being prepared: Woof!

Kris, when you read this I just want you to know that the only thing he would show me just as I took his picture was his hairy behind!:( And to add injury to frustration, I think he was doing it on purpose, the little bugger. I'm still working on the camera (quite a bit more to go) but I should uncover new techniques as I go along. My house is about to undergo a revamping both inside and out (as well as a room addition) which will begin (hopefully) in the next few months. I'd LOVE to post before and after pictures of this project:)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Camera Upgrade

Instead of going with the SD800 I decided to make the upgrade to the Canon SD850. It's slightly more expensive, but it does have more powerful optics. Besides, I think this version is completely replacing its predecessor, the SD800.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Camera Babble

After some research and review browsing I have decided to purchase the Canon Powershot SD800 IS Digital Camera . For my neophyte necessities this camera should do the trick. It's light and portable, has image stabilizer (which I hear works quite well in this camera), and a few other little features that only an armature can appreciate. I will take as many pictures as I can and post them on my blog (what better way to embarrass friends and family) LOL! I'm not sure if to purchase the camera locally or if it's better to go on-line where I can buy it a hundred dollars (maybe more) cheaper. Pics to follow.

Take care,