Saturday, January 24, 2009

What went through their minds??

When Obama was making his pitch for the White House last year, insane little groups like these crawled out of the woodwork to elevate him to a "dear leader" status. Apart from being completely banal and namby-pamby, I find listening to this song an exercise in psychology. I can't help but wonder what exactly is going through the minds of these Obama supporters that excite them so much about their "dear leader." This is sheer insanity.

This second video is even MORE disturbing:

I also want to state unequivocally that I stand opposed to abortion, but strangely enough, not on religious grounds. I think any one person can come to the conclusion that the right to life is a fundamental and inalienable right, without necessarily having been exposed to a catechism of any kind. As a matter of fact, as I have written previously, religionizing this issue may alienate potential supporters of the right to life movement who may not be religious or might find themselves at odds with the Church over a completely unrelated matter. Just my opinion.

This, however, does not mean I disregard my Church's standing and teaching of this cruel and barbaric procedure. It just simply means that you don't have to think about it too deeply before the truth hits you.

I'll write more about this on my next post.


Adrienne said...

That first video makes me want to rolf! Women singing praises to a man who thinks killing babies is a good idea. Oh wait - they think so too. Duh!

Could we please have some more pictures of Toby?? Elle has been bugging me every day for new pictures...

Tom in Vegas said...

Auntie A-

Consider it done. Give me a few days and I'll have them for you:0)

Tracy said...

yes indeed.. what were they thinking?

Shirley said...

As an outsider, what I see seems to be the indoctrination of the masses of ordinary people by very powerful forces who understand how to manipulate the psyche and thereby the actions. It's very scary. The average person in the U.S. is so indoctrinated that they have become a nation willing to follow what they are told to follow instead of thinking for themselves.I really am not looking forward to the "change" that Obama's followers think is going to be so wonderful. And I hope they can look themselves in the mirror 4 years from now.

Melody K said...

I believe there is an organization of "Atheists for Life". From what I have read, their opposition to abortion is that if we only have this life, and that's all there is, then to take that one and only fleeting life from someone is the ultimate injustice. Makes sense to me, even though my opposition to abortion comes from Christian teachings, and I believe in life everlasting.

Mike and Kim said...

This is so comical...and yet concerning at the same time. He is getting people to drink the Kool-Aid!!! Sad thing for our country is that by experience alone he is no where NEAR qualified to be President of the United States.

Side note...Diocese of Dallas had postcards in the pews last Sunday addressed to our senators that were anti-FOCA. Our church needs to be politically active for causes it truly believes in.